OK, played around with the different options for a couple of hours for version 1.99b[b] that was posted today (4/7/2005), and here are my notes.
As usual, if you need my bar files, or more screenshots, let me know.
1) Still is making bar's background white for Developer object bar theme
Though you're currently highlighted task list item will sometimes get its image back. Also, submenus will have the skin correctly.
Pict at : http://webpages.charter.net/samus42/WhiteObjectBar.jpg
2) On changing a bar's transparency on an auto-hiding bar, it will sometimes leave a 'ghost' of that bar painted on the screen.
Pict at : http://webpages.charter.net/samus42/GhostBar.jpg
3) On changing a bar's transparency on an auto-hiding bar, the bar will not come back for a while.
4) Shortcuts added to a bar still do not have their default working directory set correctly. Needs to default to the location of the shortcut/program.
5) Still unable to resize the regions of the bar. I.E. you cannot grab a seperator and resize it's containing area. The area sticks to the minimum amount and that's it. Which means on a side bar with a system tray, the tray will go up to the bottom of the previous upper bar (for me, my task list). And you can't drag it back down to the bottom, so your system tray is at a random spot on the left depending on how many tasks are running.
6) If you activate an auto-hiding bar, then go to it's properties, and just hit close, the bar will not respond for a couple of moments, even if nothing changed. Maybe we need to change the system mouse cursor to the background wait icon so it doesn't like the bar is suddenly broken.
7) On the menu editor, if you select a Virtual Desktop object, and hit "Configure", then go to the General Tab in the new Element Properties window, the "Configure Virtual Desktops..." button does nothing. However, right clicking on the virtual desktops will allow you to select the configuration option which does work.
8) Adding a new DesktopX widget should start you in the DesktopX/Widgets directory if it exists (i.e. if DesktopX is installed).
9) After adding a new DesktopX widget to an autohiding bar, the widget will appear even though you haven't activated the bar yet. Once you activate the bar, it will hide with the bar after that. However, for some widgets (in this example the Silica Memory Meter), your mouse cursor on certain areas will change to the 'move' cursor, even though you are not allowed to move the widget around. If you try, the widget will stay on the desktop even after the bar hides until you click somewhere else.
10) The element grouping tab's Show Items in this group as: option doesn't seem to make sense for a DesktopX widget
11) I finally managed to get the system tray to stay at the bottom by putting it below the 'Extra Space' item that appeared somehow on my bar contents (where does it come from anyway?).
12) If I click on an empty space anywhere on an auto-hide bar, the bar disappears, and sometimes won't reactivate for several moments. It should stay put.
13) The split group button will deactivate for the first item in the group, though reactivate for the other items. This is kinda confusing.
14) Attempting to resize the width of a bar with auto-hide on will cause the bar to disappear.
15) Bar's miniumum width if side bar seems to be restricted to the longest named item in the taskbar. But once that item is gone, the bar will not shrink. So its inconsistent, and I should be able to set that width myself and have it not change anyway.
16) Turning off auto-hiding and resizing got my skin back (from the white background), but it went away again after a minute or so.
17) The skin's transparency setting doesn't make sense, at 100% transparent, the bar is fully visible, at 0% it's gone.
18) Don't allow 0%, transparency, make the minimum 10% or something. If you're going to set 0%, might as well just hide the bar.
19) Sometime's the transparency slider shows what happens realtime, sometimes it doesn't.
20) Menu Editor interfact still needs work (see previous posts), though I will admit for single level bars, the new menu editor is growing on me, it gets annoying for bars within bars though.
21) Having a folder popup shortcut with the folder containing around 30 items will sometimes take a long time to display, and the bar appears 'locked up'. However the My Document's folder seems to be the exception to this. Though once it gets it, it seems to be able to do it decently quickly the 2nd time. Not sure what the slowdown is, maybe the file icon loading? In which case I'll get the file names up first and then fill in the icons later.
22) For some reason, my Favorites drop down folder on my developer bar (link above) has a scroll arrow at the top/bottom even though I've resized the bar to be able to easily display all the contents.